Anniversaire : Quentin Tarantino
Happy 62nd birthday The legendary filmmaker M. Quentin Tarantino !!!
Laurent Lafitte will host opening and closing ceremonies of the 78th film festival on may 13th and 24th April 10th, 2025, The Cannes 2025 press conference lineup will be at the UGC Montparnasse in Paris, hosted by Thierry Fremaux and Iris Knobloch, the conference will start live at 11am on social medias as well, followed by a publication on our website, stay tuned for more Cannes 2025 live infos !!! - 2025-03-26 14:52:37
2025 goal is getting closer and closer every single day, today we reached our 1m view, the goal for this year is 5m+, let's do it, thank you to all !!! - 2025-03-24 09:56:43
Ouverture de la billetterie de Canneseries le 1er avril pour les cannois, le 3 avril pour tous les festivaliers. Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter pour ne rien rater des festivals à venir. - 2025-03-22 01:47:55
Universal Studios Hollywood today offered a glimpse at the creation of the park’s forthcoming first high-speed outdoor roller coaster, Fast & Furious: Hollywood Drift - 2025-03-21 02:17:50
Cannes 2025 international film festival is from may 13th to 24th we already have : Juliette Binoche Présidente of the international jury, acid, directors fortnights and weeks critics official poster and we also know the official lineup of the festival will be releases by Iris Knobloch and Thierry Fremaux on april 10th at 11am. All Cannes are share daily we recommand to sub to our newsletter to miss nothing about 78th Cannes film festival. - 2025-03-20 14:34:18
Happy 62nd birthday The legendary filmmaker M. Quentin Tarantino !!!
On sait qui animera les cérémonies d'ouverture et de clôture du festival de Cannes les 13 et 24 mai 2025